Terry Silverlight with Gene McDaniels
A currently unreleased album of songs composed by Terry Silverlight and Gene McDaniels.
Vocals by Gene McDaniels.
Tracks arranged, performed and recorded by Terry Silverlight.
LES McCANN recorded Terry and Gene's song SO WHAT on his album PUMP IT UP.
ROBERTA FLACK performed Terry and Gene's song SO WHAT at Carnegie Hall.
DAVID FINCK recorded Terry and Gene's song SO WHAT on his album BASSIC INSTINCT.
CARRI COLTRANE recorded Terry and Gene's song DON'T GET ME STARTED on her album THE FIRST TIME.
KATHY KOSINS recorded Terry and Gene's song DON'T GET ME STARTED on her album UNCOVERED SOUL and her REMIX SINGLE.
JEANNIE recorded Terry and Gene's song DON'T GET ME STARTED on her album DON'T GET ME STARTED.